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  1. In 2016 the Emergency Department received the following number of patients:
  • Adult Emergency Unit at King Khaled University Hospital: 70898
  • Pediatric Emergency Unit at King Khalid University Hospital: 34610
  • Total number of patients at King Khaled University Hospital Emergency department: 105508
  • Adult Emergency Unit at King Abdulaziz University Hospital: 31168
  • Pediatric Emergency Unit at King Abdulaziz University Hospital: 20351
  • Total number of patients at King Abdulaziz University Hospital Emergency Department: 51519
  • The total visits to the Emergency Department at KSUMC: 157027
  • The monthly average of patients IS 15000, which indicates that patients trust the medical staff and the service provided to them.
  1. Medical research scientific achievement to promote emergency services.

This is a list of scientific production links for departments' faculty members: .

Create academic and scientific atmosphere for faculty and students.

Assigning an academic day weekly to provide scientific lectures to residents.

  1. Building cooperation relationships with relevant departments and authorities.

Cardiology and catheterization (heart attack program).

Laboratory Department (establishing a laboratory within the Emergency Department to save patient's time and upgrading the service provided to them).

X-ray Unit within the Emergency Department.

CT Unit within the Emergency Department.

  • Establishing Disaster Management headed by the head of the emergency department.
  • Obtain approval to expand Emergency Department through establishing observation unit.
  • Allocate an area to receive KSU staff.

The department participates in providing different courses.

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:19am