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King Saud University

Fellowship Training Program

Nephrology Division


    Duration of fellowship:

- 3 years.

- The program begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of the second year.


  1. Sponsoring Department:

Sponsoring department will be the Nephrology division under the supervision of the department of Medicine.


     2. Primary Training Site:

The primary training site is King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH) where the fellow will spend at least 50% of the training period.


  3.  Participating Sites:

In these sites the fellow may spend up to 50% of the training period. Participating sites will be chosen carefully to ensure the provision of a unified educational experience for the fellows. These sites could be local or international depending on the fellow particular needs.

Examples include: King Faisal specialist hospital research center – Riyadh.


Program Personnel and Resources:


  1.  Program Training Committee:


The members of the committee will be Dr. Saad Alobaili, Dr. Mohammed Alghonaim, Dr. A. Alsuwaida and Dr. Jamal Al Wakeel. The committee duties will include the following:


  1. Approve a local director at each participating site who is accountable for fellow education.
  2. Approve the selection of program faculty as appropriate.
  3. Evaluate program faculty and approve the continued participation of program faculty based on evaluation.


     B. Program Director:


  1. The program director will be Dr. Mohammed Alkhwatier
  2. The program director will be elected for a term of three (3) years, renewable.
  3. The program director duties are:
  1.    Oversee and ensure the quality of didactic and clinical education in all sites that participate in the program.
  2. Monitor fellow supervision at all participating sites.
  3.  Prepare and submit all information requested by the Postgraduate Department, including but not limited to the program information forms and annual program fellow updates and ensure that the information submitted is accurate and complete.
  4. Provide each fellow with documented semiannual evaluation of performance with feedback.
  5.          Provide verification of fellowship education for all fellows, including those who leave the program prior to completion.
  6.    Implement policies and procedures consistent with the institutional and program requirements for fellow duty hours and the working environment.
  7. Comply with the postgraduate written policies and procedures, including those specified in compliance with the King Saud Fellowships, for selection, evaluation and promotion of fellows, disciplinary action and supervision of fellows.
  8. Obtain review and approval of the Postgraduate Department for the following:
    1. All applications for accreditation of new programs.
    2. Changes in fellow complement.
    3. Major changes in program structure or length of training.
    4. Progress reports requested by the Review Committee.
    5. Responses to all proposed adverse actions.
    6. Voluntary withdrawals of accredited programs.
    7. Appeal presentations to a Postgraduate Medical Education Training Board.
  9.    Dedicate sufficient time for administration of the program.
  10.    Participate in academic societies and in educational programs designed to enhance his or her educational and administrative skills.
  11. Be located at the primary training site.
  12.   Must be evaluated annually by the PGME office.



Faculty members who are involved in this fellowship are qualified nephrologists. Currently, we have 8 faculty members.


CV for each staff is attached to this proposal.

  1. Resources:
    1.    The department must jointly ensure the availability of adequate resources for fellow education, as defined in the specialty program requirements.
    2. Administrative support must include adequate secretarial and administrative staff and technology to support the program director.


  1. Medical Information Access:

Fellow will be granted electronic medical literature   databases with search capabilities.


  1. Fellow Appointment:


  1. Eligibility Criteria:

Fellows must have completed an internal medicine training program accredited by SCFHS/KSU.


 The following documents are required:


•        KSU Fellowship Application


•        Updated Curriculum Vitae


•      Three letters of recommendation


  1.   Number of Fellows:

Maximum of 4 fellows are appointed each year.


 Program Structure




4 months

Peritoneal Dialysis

3 months

Inpatients Nephrology

3 months 


6 months


4 months

Renal pathology

1 month


1 month


11 months


3 months


36 Months



Candidates passing the final board examination are awarded a Specialty Certificate, “King Saud University Nephrology & Research Fellowship”.

If you need more information or details just read the attachment.

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:19am