Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Saudi Specialty of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Training Program
Pediatric emergency medicine is that branch of medicine concerned with providing highly specialized acute health care to children of all ages and developmental level which includes triage, stabilization, diagnosis, treatment and appropriate follow-up care. The care provided in a compassionate fashion, which respect the individual and the family. The pediatric emergency medicine specialist provides acute and consult care in a facility that is part of an emergency medical system for children. This individual will have a commitment to advancement of the field through education at the undergraduate and postgraduate level and through continuing education to physicians and allied health care professionals. The pediatric emergency specialist is dedicated to advance the science of the field through primary and multi-disciplinary research. The purpose of this document is to provide surveyors and fellows with an interpretation of the specific standards of pediatric emergency fellowship program.
II. Goals and General objectives
The overall goal and general objectives of Pediatric Emergency Medicine training is to “produce an individual who is clinically proficient in the practice of pediatric emergency medicine, with emphasis upon the acutely ill and injured child and who is competent in teaching pediatric emergency medicine and in research; and who is familiar with administrative issues.”
III. Specific objectives
During the fellowship training, the candidate must acquire satisfactory knowledge and skills in the following area
1. Primary care of the patient, declared emergencies including the recognition, evaluation and initial management of the illness or injury.
2. Triage of patients with major illness or injury.
3. The natural history of illness or injuries commonly presenting as emergency and long term cares and follow up essential for these conditions.
4. Supervisory and administrative aspect of emergency services, ambulance services communication systems and disaster planning.
5. Research areas of emergency medicine.
6. Social and family implication of illness or injury.
IV. Program Outline
The program consists of two years of full-time structured supervised training in pediatric emergency medicine. This will involve admission to an approved joint program with rotations in hospitals accredited for training in pediatric emergency medicine.
1.Administrative committees
The administrative structure is in accordance with the Saudi Council for Health Specialties (SCHS) regulations and composed of program director, program committees, and secretarial support. Program director is a consultant and board certified in pediatric emergency medicine. The committees have an active role in curriculum development as well as the supervision, education and evaluation of the fellows. The committee divides the work and meets on regular basis to ensure the well progress of the fellowship and communicate with others through the program director.
2.Admission Criteria
The pediatric emergency medicine
3.Program Structure
The program consists of rotations and other educational experiences, both mandatory and elective, designed to provide each fellow with opportunity to fulfill the educational requirements and achieve competence in the specialty. The two years of pediatric emergency medicine must include:
A. Twelve months (minimum) of pediatric emergency rotation in an accredited pediatric emergency department (population ≤ 13 years of age). During this rotations, the fellow will spend roughly 32-40 clinical hours per week in patient care and supervision and clinical instruction of residents and students, as well as participation in academic activities. Scheduling must allow a minimum of 5 months per year to ensure that fellows are given increasing professional responsibility, under appropriate staff supervision.
B. Three months of reciprocal training:
· Fellow with a background in pediatrics must spend one month in general surgery/plastic surgery/orthopedic surgery done as a combined rotation or as a horizontal rotation. A minimum of 2 months total must be spent in adult trauma and emergency medicine.
· Fellows with background in emergency medicine must spend minimum of 2 months total in pediatric and neonatal ICU (critical care skills and team leading) and one month in general pediatric ward in an accredited pediatric program.
C. Five months of mandatory subspecialty rotations, which may be done as a horizontal program throughout the first or second year of training or as a block, include:
· Toxicology (balanced emphasis on adult and pediatric aspects) (1 month)
· Administration and disaster planning (1 month)
· Anesthesia/Pain management (1 month)
· Research training (2 months)
D. Two months of electives.
Optional subspecialty rotations may be made available to augment the learning obtained in the emergency department and to ensure that all educational objectives are met. These rotations will be individualized depending on the experience of the trainee. Example includes Radiology, ambulatory pediatrics, adolescent medicine, gynecology and child protection, psychiatry (management of the aggressive, depressed or psychotic patient), dermatology and ophthalmology
V. Fellow’s performance evaluation
There is a mechanism in place to ensure the systematic collection and interpretation of evaluation data on each fellow enrolled in the program. As there is a summative evaluation at the SCHS, it is particularly important that the evaluation of the fellows in the program be rigorous and well documented. Program has a comprehensive assessment plan including assessment criteria and methods, based on the objectives of the program. All evaluations will be based on the specific objectives outlined and on the rotation specific objectives written by the program.
There is a process of evaluation in place, which is documented, signed and dated and received, in timely fashion. Evaluations may be done using the following tools:
1. End of rotation evaluation process with oral and written feedback using SCHS format for Saudi Board of Emergency Medicine
2. In-training annual written (100 MCQs) +/- oral examination to assess the fellow’s progress toward the end of each training year. The program director will perform a summary evaluation every 6 months.
The summarize evaluation will cover the areas of clinical knowledge and skills, education, administration and research.
Assessments of the performance of individual fellow in the program are to be kept on file for review at the time of on-site surveys. For each fellow deemed by the program director to have completed the program, an attestation of program completion” form on the SCHS letterhead must be filed with the SCHS.
VI. Promotion
All rules of SCHS for promotion at the fellowship level will be applied
VII. Certification
Candidate will be awarded the Saudi subspecialty certificate in Pediatric Emergency Medicine upon satisfactory completion of the fellowship /SCHS requirements in pediatric emergency medicine and:
· Have attained Saudi Board certification in pediatric or emergency medicine.
· Have successfully completed a two-year program in pediatric emergency medicine as evidenced by an acceptable final in-training evaluation
· Have completed or significantly participated in a scholarly project related to any aspects (research, educational, or creative professional activity) in the subspecialty of pediatric emergency medicine. Ideally, this project would lead to a presentation or publication which would permit peer review in a setting outside the fellow’s own center.
This may include research protocol development, development of an educational curriculum for a specific course, or presentation of continuous quality improvement activities or protocol development.
· Have passed the final fellowship examination:
A-Once per year examination
B-Written part designed to evaluate the knowledge (2 papers 100 MCQs each)
C-Oral part designed to test clinical judgment in the field of pediatric Emergency medicine
Contact Us:
Dr. Abdullah Alsaga | Council Chairman | |
Dr. Majed Alsalamah | Head of local committee Central | |
Dr. Azzah Jabarti | Head of local committee west | |
Dr. Mohammed Alshahrani | Head of local committee East | |
Mariam Abduljabbar | Council secretary | / 0112905501 |