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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Postgraduate Programs

Postgraduate Programs
Residency Training Program in Pediatrics requires successful completion of four years of  full time training and an evaluation including an examination to ensure that candidates possess the knowledge, skills and experience required for the provision of high quality care in Pediatrics.
General Objectives:
To train and graduate competent and knowledgeable pediatricians capable of functioning independently.
To provide an educational environment that will promote the standard of healthcare delivery.
Specific Objectives :
        At the end of the training , the candidate should have the following capabilities and skills:
Possess sound knowledge in the principle of Pediatrics.
Perform thoroughly and suitably oriented history and physical examination.
Be able to provide appropriate preventive care and anticipatory guidance and act as a child advocate.
Formulate a reasonable and comprehensive differential diagnose, recognize and manage common disorder in Pediatric as well as many of the rare ones, especially those that are amenable to treatment.
Select relevant investigation logically and conservatively, and interpret the result accurately.
Possess good skills in various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in Pediatrics.
Structure and Content of Training Program:
The Residency Training Program in Pediatric recognize four levels of training categories divided into two :
Junior Residency [24 months, includes first year (R1) and second year (R2).
Senior Residency [24 months, third year(R3) and fourth year (R4)].




تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:19ص