ostgraduate Committee
The purpose of this committee is to organize all issues related to academic activities and postgraduate training in the department, including supervision in the training of fellows, rotation of psychiatry residents, and trainee residents from emergency medicine, family medicine, and neurology.
It also supervises trainee residents and fellows to guarantee good training quality and meets with them for feedback, follows-up their evaluations and vacations to make sure it reaches all responsible persons at Saudi Commission for Health Specialties or from the department who sent trainees, reports any issues related to the training program, and makes plan and policies to assure good quality of training and sought approval from departmental and postgraduate medical education boards.
It currently represents the department at PGME, KKUH, and College of Medicine, Local Committee at Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.
The current members of the committee are:
Head: Dr. Mohammad Alblowi
Members: Dr. Ahmad Alhadi Dr. Hatem Alshahwan, Dr. Meteb Alenzi, Dr.Ali Bahatheq, Dr. Samah Alkhawashki, Ms. Adwa Alhowail
Secretary: Ghassan Abosaif