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Research and Publication


The members of our department are active in mental health research projects.  

Dr. Ahmed Hassab Errasoul



Youth Workers' views on a training course on early intervention in psychosis and their potential role in case identification and management. Hassab Errasoul A, Marie Sutton, Anne Marie Donovan, Aine Kelly, Niall Turner, Mary Clarke. 

Presented as poster in Sphere Conference; Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 2015


Towards a Paradigm for Public Education on Early Intervention in Psychosis: A Pilot Training to Youth Workers. Hassab Errasoul A.; Sutton M., Doran C., Robertson G., Clarke M., Fenlon N.

Presented as a poster in the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference in Dublin October 2011, Published.


Steroid Induced Psychiatric Disorders in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Hassab Errasoul A., Bowler A., and Cassidy E.

Presented as poster in the British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference;   December 2009, Cardiff, UK


Predictors of Cancer Related Distress in an Irish Sample of Patients. Hassab Errasoul A., Cassidy E., and Bowler A.

Presented as poster in the British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, December 2009, Cardiff, UK.


Distress in Cancer: Do Patients on Steroids Differ? Hassab Errasoul A., Bowler A., and Cassidy E.

Presented as poster in the College of Psychiatry in Ireland Spring Conference;   March 2010, Cork, Ireland


New guidelines on fitness to drive: what do they mean to psychiatrists and their patients? Hassab Errasoul A., Daly R.

Accepted for Publication


Effect of Medical Education on Smoking. Hassab Errasoul A., Ali M.

Fifth year undergraduate research project, submitted locally, unpublished

Dr. Majid Al Desouki



Saudi National Mental Health Survey - Preparation, Monitoring & Implementation.






The burnaby treatment center for mental health and addiction, a novel integrated treatment program for patients with addiction and concurrent disorders: results from a program evaluation.



Assessment of Clinical Services for Adolescent in Ukraine: A UNICEF Mission Report.



The department has the following publications for public viewing:

Dr. Ahmad AlHadi – Publications


Anorexia Nervosa versus Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome in young Woman: Case Report and literature review, J T U Med Sc. 2008, 3 (1):55-60.


Review of Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Third Edition, Keith S. Dobson PhD (Editor), New York: The Guilford Press; 2009, ISBN-13: 978-1606234372, Hardcover: 481 pages 49. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Volume 71, Issue 2, August 2011, Page 114.


Book Chapter: CBT in the Middle East, Book Title: CBT in Non-Western Cultures: Research, Practice and Future Directions. Co-authored with Dr. Haifa Al Qahtani and Mohamed O. Salem. Nova Publishers, Published 2011.

Dr. Abdulqader AlJarad - Publications


Article about accuracy of psychiatric diagnosis in consultation liaison setting, aljarad Taiba Medical Journal 2009


A Comparison of Depression Screening Instruments in Hepatitis C and The Impact of Depression on Somatic Symptoms,  Published in Psychosomatics (Psychosomatics 2011:52:433 – 440)


The Role of Attachment Style and Depression in Patients with Hepatitis C , J Clin Psychol Med Settings (2013)

Dr. Ahmed Hassab Errasoul – Publications in Peer - Reviewed Journal


Creating a curriculum on psychosis: a Pilot Training Programme with Youth Workers. Ahmed Hassab Errasoul, Marie Sutton, Cormac Doran, Ger Robertson, Nicholas P Fenlon; , Niall Turner, Mary Clarke. Awaiting Publication, Early Intervention in Psychiatry


Compliance with the Data Protection Acts in a Psychiatric Department a Complete Audit Cycle. Hassab Errasoul A; Cannon M; Cotter D Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Volume 31, Issue 02, PP. 125-130.


New Guidelines for Fitness to Drive: What do they mean to Psychiatrists and their Patients? Ahmed Hassab Errasoul and Robert Daly Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine / Volume 30 / Issue 04 December 2013, PP 233 – 235 DOI: 10.1017/ipm.2013.63  Published Online: 17 December 2013

Conference Publications


Feasibility and Outcome of Public Education Campaign on Early Intervention in Psychosis: The Detect Experience. Hassab Errasoul A, Sutton M, Doran M, Robertson G, Fenlon N, Turner N, Clarke M Abstracts of the 15th International Congress European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry July 2013 Eur Child Adolescent Psychiatry 22 Suppl 2: S157-158.


Steroid Induced Psychiatric Disorders in Cancer Patients receiving Chemotherapy. Hassab Errasoul A., Bowler A; and Cassidy E In Abstracts of the British Psychosocial Oncology Society 2009 Conference. December 3-4, 2009. Cardiff, Wales. Psycho-oncology.2010 May; 19 Suppl 3:S1-22.


Predictors of Cancer Related Distress in an Irish Sample of Patients. Hassab Errasoul A., Cassidy E; and Bowler A In Abstracts of the British Psychosocial Oncology Society 2009 Conference. December 3-4, 2009. Cardiff, Wales. Psychooncology.2010 May; 19 Suppl 3:S1-22.

Publications in Non-Peer Reviewed Journals


Bipolar Disorder: Diagnosis & Management. Hassab Errasoul A, Gomercz E, Daly R. Forum. 2012; 29(10):27-30.

Dr. Fahad AlOsaimi - Publications


Al-Osaimi FD, Al-Haidar FA. Assessment of Pediatricians' need for training in Child Psychiatry. J Family Community Med. 2008 May; 15(2):71-5.


Abdulqader Maqbul Aljarad, Fahad Dakhil Al Osaimi, Yaser Rashid Al Huthail, Accuracy of Psychiatric Diagnoses in Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 123-128


Alosaimi F, Hawa R. Broken Heart: Broken Mind. J Psychosom Res. 2009 Oct; 67(4):285-7. Editorial.


Sockalingam S, Abbey SE, Alosaimi F, Novak M. A Review of Sleep Disturbance in Hepatitis C. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2010 Jan; 44(1):38-45.


Sockalingam S, Blank D, Al Jarad A, Alosaimi F, Hirschfield G, Abbey SE. A Comparison of Depression Screening Instruments in Hepatitis C and The Impact of Depression on Somatic Symptoms. Psychosomatics. 2011 Sep-Oct; 52(5):433-40.


Alosaimi FD, Baker B. Clinical Review of Treatment Options for Major Depressive Disorder in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Saudi Med J. 2012 Nov; 33(11):1159-68. Review.


Sockalingam S, Blank D, Al Jarad A, Alosaimi F, Hirschfield G, Abbey SE. The Role of Attachment Style and Depression in Patients with Hepatitis C. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2013 Jun; 20(2):227-33.


Alosaimi F, Alkaabba A, Qadi M, Albahlal A, Alabdulkarim Y, Alabduljabbar M, Alqahtani F. Acceptance of Pharmaceutical Gifts. Variability by Specialty and Job Rank in a Saudi Healthcare Setting. Saudi Med J. 2013 Aug; 34(8):854-60.


Alosaimi FD, Alkaabba A, Qadi M, Albahlal A, Alabdulkarim Y, Alabduljabbar M, Alqahtani F. Interactions between Physicians and Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives in Saudi Arabia. Ann Saudi Med. 2013 Nov-Dec; 33(6):601-9.


Alosaimi FD, Alkharboush FA, Altuwariqi MH. A Case of Anxiety Associated with Miliary Tuberculosis. Int Med Case Rep J. 2014 Jun 20; 7:111-5.


Alosaimi FD, Al-Sultan OA, Alghamdi QA, Almohaimeed IK, Alqannas SI. Gender-specific differences in depression and anxiety symptoms and help-seeking behavior among gastroenterology patients in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2014 Jul; 19(3):203-9.


Alosaimi FD, Al-sultan O, Alghamdi Q, Almohaimeed I, Alqannas S. Association of help-seeking behavior with depression and anxiety disorders among gastroenterological patients in Saudi Arabia. Saudi J Gastroenterol 2014; 20:233-40.


Alosaimi FD, Alshehri Y, Alfraih I, Alghamdi A, Aldahash S, Alkhuzayem H, Albeeeshi H. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among visitors to faith healers in Saudi Arabia. Pak J Med Sci. 2014 Sep; 30(5):1077-82.


Alosaimi FD, Al Kaabba A, Qadi M, Albahlal A, Alabdulkarim Y, Alabduljabbar M, Alqahtani F. Physicians' attitudes towards interaction with the Pharmaceutical Industry. East Mediterr Health J. 2015 Feb 2;20(12):812-9


Alosaimi FD, Alshehri Y, Alfraih I, Alghamdi A, Aldahash S, Alkhuzayem H, Al-Beeshi H. Psychosocial correlates of using faith healing services in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A comparative cross-sectional study. Int J Ment Health Syst. 2015 Jan 28; 9:8.


Alosaimi FD, Kazim SN, Almufleh AS, Aladwani BS, Alsubaie AS. Prevalence of stress and its determinants among residents in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J. 2015 May;36(5):605-12


Alosaimi FD, Almufleh A, Kazim S, Aladwani B. Stress-coping strategies among Medical Residents in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional national study. Pak J Med Sci 2015; 31(3): 504-509.

Dr. Majid AlDesouki - Publications


Is exposure to childhood maltreatment associated with adult psychological distress among adult intravenous drug user? Michael R Krausz, Sahoo Saddichha, Verena Strehlau, Chris Taplin, Kathy Li, Majid Al-Desouki & Christian Schuetz. Pages 207-216

Prof. Fatima AlHaidar – Publications


A Screening Tool for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children in Saudi Arabia. Ahmad M. Hassan, MD, Fatima Al Haidar, MD, Fateh Al Alim, MD, Othman Al Hag, MD


Assessment of Pediatrician’s need for Training in Child Psychiatry. Fahad Al Osaimi, MD, Fatima Al Haidar, MD


Establishing a Consultation – Liaison Psychiatry Service: Impact on clinical indices. Abdulrazzak M. Alhamad, MD, Rabie A. Hawari, MD, Daad M. Mardini, MD, Khalid N. Al-Sabhan, MD, Mohamed A. Al-Sughayir, MD, Fatima A. Al-Haidar, MD, Samia A. Abdullah, MD, Yaser R. Al-Huthail, MD, Kazi N. Asfina, MBBS.

Neurosciences 2004, Volume 9 (4): 281 - 286


Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and Child Right’s. Saudi Medical Journal 2008 Mar; 29 (3): 452 - 4


Parental attitudes toward the prescription of psychotropic medications for children. J Family Community Med 2008 Jan; 15 (1): 35 - 42


Survey of Inpatient Child and Adolescent Psychiatric referrals in a teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia. Neurosciences (Riyadh) 2003 Jan; 8 (1): 43 - 5

Prof. Mohammad AlSughayir - Publications


Administered Antipsychotic Pro Re Nata Medications: Pre and Post Accreditation Comparison. Saudi Med J 2014; Volume 35 (2): 172-177


Attitude to Psychiatry. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry (2004) Vol. 15 No. 1 Page (36-42)


Depot Antipsychotics: Patient characteristic and Prescribing Pattern. Saudi Medical Journal 2000, Volume 21 (12): 1178-1181


Dissociative Experience in Psychiatric Out Patients who have possession belief. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry (2005), Volume 16 No. 2 page 98 – 106


Evidence based Psychiatry: Keeping up to date. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry  (2005), Volume 16 (1)


Public View of the Evil Eye and its role in Psychiatry: A study in Saudi Society.  The Arab Journal of Psychiatry (1996) Volume 7, No. 2, Page 152-160


Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Saudi Arabian Patients. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Volume 13, No. 2, 2007


Vaginismus Treatment: Hypnotherapy versus Behavior Therapy. Neurosciences 2005; Volume 10 (2) : 163 - 167


In patient Treatment for Resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Saudi Medical Journal 2000; Vol 21 (2): 193 - 195 


Referral Pattern of Physical Diseases in Psychiatric In Patients.  Saudi Medical Journal 2000; Volume 21 (9): 864 - 868 


Unconsummated Marriage: A Saudi Version. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry (2004), Volume 15, No. 2, Page 122 - 130


Cell Reports: Accelerating Novel Candidate Gene Discovery in Neuro-genetic Disorder via Whole Exome Sequencing of Prescreened Multiplex Consanguineous Families.  Anas M. Alazami,Nisha Patel,Hanan E. Shamseldin,Shamsa Anazi,Mohammed S. Al-Dosari,Fatema Alzahrani,Hadia Hijazi,Muneera Alshammari,Mohammed A. Aldahmesh,Mustafa A. Salih,Eissa Faqeih,Amal Alhashem,Fahad A. Bashiri,Mohammed Al-Owain,Amal Y. Kentab,Sameera Sogaty,Saeed Al Tala, Mohamad-Hani Temsah,Maha Tulbah,Rasha F. Aljelaify,Saad A. Alshahwan,Mohammed Zain Seidahmed,Adnan A. Alhadid,Hesham Aldhalaan,Fatema AlQallaf,Wesam Kurdi,Majid Alfadhel,Zainab Babay,Mohammad Al-Sughayir, Namik Kaya,Zuhair N. Al-Hassnan,Ghada M.H. Abdel-Salam,Nouriya Al-Sannaa,Fuad Al Mutairi,Heba Y. El Khashab, Saeed Bohlega,Xiaofei Jia,Henry C. Nguyen,Rakad Hammami,Nouran Adly,Jawahir Y. Mohamed,Firdous Abdulwahab,Niema Ibrahim,Ewa A. Naim,Banan Al-Younes,Brian F. Meyer,Mais Hashem,Ranad Shaheen,Yong Xiong, Mohamed Abouelhoda,Abdulrahman A. Aldeeri,Dorota M. Monies and Fowzan S. Alkuraya


Establishing a Consultation – Liaison Psychiatry Service: Impact on clinical indices. Abdulrazzak M. Alhamad, MD, Rabie A. Hawari, MD, Daad M. Mardini, MD, Khalid N. Al-Sabhan, MD, Mohamed A. Al-Sughayir, MD, Fatima A. Al-Haidar, MD, Samia A. Abdullah, MD, Yaser R. Al-Huthail, MD, Kazi N. Asfina, MBBS.

Neurosciences 2004, Volume 9 (4): 281 - 286


Five year experience of a psychiatric day care hospital in Saudi Arabia: A prospective study.  Abdulrazzak M. Alhamad, MD, Rabie A. Hawari, MD, Fatima Al Haidar, MD, Mohamed A. Al-Sughayir, MD, Dr. Daad M. Mardini, MD


Physical Diseases in Psychiatric In-Patients. Journal of the Arab Board of Medical Specializations, Volume 4, No.4, 2002. A. Alnamlah, MD, Mohamed A. Al-Sughayir, MD

Last updated on : February 2, 2025 10:49pm