The Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, King Khalid University Hospital, is one of the biggest busy departments in the hospital. It is divided into different units including Main X-Ray, Nuclear Medicine, Angiography and Interventional Radiology, C. T. Scan and PACS Administration all located in the second floor, Ultrasound is in the first floor, while the X-Ray (A/E Division) and the MRI Division are located in the ground floor.
We have 1 new MR machine, 2 CT Scan machines (GE and 64 Slice), 9 (fixed) x-ray machines (including the mammography machine), 10 portable (mobile) x-ray machines, 9 ultrasound machines (7 fixed machines, 1 portable and 1 Breast Ultrasound machine). The Radiology services in K.K.U.H. can be divided into two main objectives. The first one is diagnostic services for around 400 patients daily. The second one is educational services including medical students, high studies for Fellowship degree, training programs for the College of Applied Medical Sciences and continuous medical education.
Radiology and Medical Imaging Department is manned by 11 teaching staff ranking from 1 Professor, 3 Associate Professors, 6 Assistant Professors, 1 Consultant Radiologist, 4 Senior Registrars, 9 Registrars and 5 Demonstrators. More than 100 non-medical staff including Radiology Technologists and other support personnel including Transcribers, Medical Secretaries and Filing Clerks/Medical Aides are taking part in providing services to the Hospital.
For the past two years now, the Department has been playing an important role in the Business Center providing services to pay patients during and after the regular working hours including Thursdays. It has been successfully achieving its goals in giving the best quality of radiological service to patients. The department provides undergraduate course, RAD Course 365, which teaches Diagnostic Radiology for 3rd Year Male and Female Medical students.
The department provides full postgraduate training in radiology for the King Saud University (KSU) Fellowship in Radiology and Saudi Board Radiology Program. There is also an on-training program for about 20-25 postgraduate students (residents) in radiology. Training and teaching paramedical students for radiographers and radiology technicians from the Allied Medical College, from the Ministry of Health, from the Military Hospital and other hospitals in Riyadh.
Beside the monthly academic activities, the department also contributes lectures in Physics Course and Half Academic Day lectures organized by the Saudi Council for Health Specialties.
New incoming Nursing staff is attending the mandatory CORE Orientation wherein PACS Orientation is an important part of it. They are being taught of PACS usage by our qualified and well-trained PACS Administrators and are very accommodating for any queries and/or problems that may arise. The Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging provide its services thru: KKUH (King Khalid University Hospital) :
• PACS Administration
• General Radiology Division
• Accident and Emergency Radiology Division
• Computed Tomography Division
• Ultrasound Division
• Nuclear Medicine Division
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging Division
• Angiography and Interventional Division
• Radiation Protection Division
• Filing Division
In KAUH (King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital):
• General Radiology Division
• Computed Tomography Division
• Ultrasound Division
Radiology is fortunate to have a long tradition of excellence and leadership in its clinical and academic activities.
Our classic three-part mission-- to excel in the performance of patient care, research, and teaching--has been a departmental cornerstone for the past 50 years.
Our vision and goal is to become and remain the best all-around academic radiology department in the country.
To accomplish this goal and pursue our mission, we value innovation, creativity, and leadership. We see ourselves as a center for the development of new knowledge, new technologies, and new approaches to patient care. We use modern information technology as a critical tool in these pursuits. We strive to train the future leaders of the academic radiology community.
Improving the health of the patients in our community, providing services to referring physicians, and optimizing the well being of our departmental staff are our top priorities.
The Future
"We aspire to build a premier academic health center, designed from the ground up for health and healing in the 21st century. Our unique opportunity is to become an unparalleled center of learning and discovery, community and care: the destination of choice for those seeking, practicing, learning, and pioneering health care at its best."
Chairman of Radiology and Medical Imaging Department
Title: Chairman of Radiology and Medical Imaging Department
Name: Dr. Nizar Nakshabandi
Office Tel.: 46-71155
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